Akhtar is not impressed with the concessions made and has demanded that Muslims boycott the infidel dogs at Burger King, "This is my jihad. How can you say it is a spinning swirl? If you spin it one way to the right you are offending Muslims." It sounds like Akhtar won't be satisfied until the Burger King executives are beheaded.
Let's step back and look at the big picture. Many Muslim countries make a practice of outlawing other religions, actively discriminate against them, make non-Muslims second class citizens, forbid the display of their religious symbols, and generally think it's perfectly acceptable to disrespect anything other than Islam. Yet, these same arrogant Muslims come to the West and are outraged if they imagine they see an insult to Islam in their ice cream cones. Islam is a religion of perpetual grievance, mostly contrived, which demands a respect from other religions it never grants them.
Akhtar's jihad is an example of the advantage Muslims take of the Western welcome of diverse beliefs. If we honor every one of their illegitimate complaints, they'll have us chasing our own tails. When we act on their bogus grievances, it only encourages them to make more demands, of which their ultimate demand is that the whole world bow to Mecca.
*** UPDATE ***
Other things that offend the insufferably bigoted Muslims are the Red Cross, Nike shoes, and Coca-Cola. Alhamedi, the dissident Saudi of The Religious Policeman points out that Middle Easterners don't believe in rendering apologies because they will lose face. However, they very much believe they deserve apologies from Westerners.